pp108 : Cell Object Property

Cell Object Property

A cell object is an object that contains the combined properties of a cell, such as properties of the data, the HTML, and the status of the cell.
The following methods are available for the cell object retrieved using the getCell() method:
Table 1. Methods of the Cell Object

Method Description
getRow() Retrieves the row object of the cell.
getColumn() Retrieves the column object of the cell.
getValue() Retrieves the value of the cell.

Sets the value of the cell.

  • newValue: Refers to the new value of the cell.

Properties of the Cell Object

Property Description
checkRowColumn Boolean. Set astrue, if the cell is part of the check row column; set asfalse, if not.
dataNode Refers to the XML node with the data of this cell.
dataType Refers to the dataType of the column.
fieldType Refers to the fieldType of the column.
headerCell Refers to the HTML node of the header cell of the column.
html Refers to the HTML (<div>) node of the cell, if available.
ref Refers to the XPath of the cell. The XPath to thedataNodeis considered from the businessObject of the cell.

See Also

xgrid, row object, column object, xpathBusinessObject